February 26, 2012

Bloodsucker Pack DLC

"The newest add-on for Saints Row: The Third, the Bloodsucker Pack, provides you with a brand new ability to latch onto your captives and regain health from sucking their blood, performed by pressing in on the right stick. This pack also comes with other bonuses to keep you in the game, including VIP bonuses for Cash Boosts, Hourly Income, Respect, and the Scavenger ability."

"The Bloodsucker Pack includes:

* New Dracula Blood Sucking Skill
* VIP Cash Boost Bonus
* VIP Hourly Income Bonus
* VIP Respect Bonus
* VIP Scavenger Bonus"

"In other news, citizens of Steelport have reported the almighty Professor Genki is now carrying about $1,000,000 on his super-genius man-cat person. If you manage to see him tearing up the city, do your job as a loyal citizen and earn that cash! The Bloodsucker Pack releases on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Steam, and Onlive on or around February 28th for 160 MS Points or $1.99."

Gangstas In Space DLC

"Gangstas In Space DLC is now available. This DLC is available on PS3, Xbox 360, Steam and Onlive for 560 Microsoft points or $6.99. In the second downloadable mission pack for Saints Row: The Third, Hollywood comes to Steelport. Hotshot director Andy Zhen has cast you as the star of his blockbuster opus, Gangstas in Space, a noble gangsta that must defend the planet against scantily-clad aliens equipped with laser beams, spaceships, and spaceships with laser beams. Along the way, you’ll mentor up-and-coming actress Jenny Jaros who plays alien Princess Kwilanna, and help her navigate the perilous waters of Hollywood stardom. Because their aint no career guidance like a gangsta’s career guidance. Gangstas In Space also includes the alien spacecraft, the Aegian, new alien gang customization options, and new homies Kwilanna and Space Brutina. Strap it on… in space!"

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